Newfoundland und die Puffins


Newfoundland - What can you expect.

What can you expect? It's not hard to guess at Newfoundland - the hospitality and helpfulness. We have already traveled to a number of countries and met and got to know many people. And Canada has been at the top of the ranking of friendliness and helpfulness worldwide for years. But the Newfoundlanders - or Newfies for short - give the word friendliness and the world ranking a huge boost. What the afterburner is for a rocket, Newfoundland is for Canada. The capital is St. John's, located in the far east and also the largest city on Newfoundland. About 530'000 people live on the island and about 175'000 mosses. A funny detail is the time zone. Newfoundland calculates with -3.30 hours UTC - No not 3 or 4 - 3.30 hours.

Average costs

Transport - The liter of diesel cost on average 1.10 CAD (January-May 2020). For comparison, the average price of diesel in the world was 1.57 CAD. The liter of gas cost 1.12 CAD in the same period. Also here in comparison the average price in the world was 1.73 CAD.

Campgrounds - This is difficult to quantify as we are practically always free. The prices for campgrounds are also subject to seasonal conditions and the individual wishes of the campers, such as only tent or full hook-up for the RV. In any case the website of Parks Canada will help you.

Food - Big Mac Index = 5.07 USD 1 liter of milk costs on average 2.47 CAD 12 eggs cost on average 3.33 CAD 1.5 liters of water cost on average 2.16 CAD

Suggestion daily budget – 107-123 CAD (Note: This is a budget suggestion, which assumes that you are free to stay overnight, eat out a little, cook most of your own meals and that your vehicle is not the big fuel guzzler. With the budget tips below you can reduce this number at any time. However, if you want to stay in more demanding accommodation or eat out more often, you can assume that this amount will be higher)

TIps for first visit

1. Prepare your food – Just take your food and do a BBQ somewhere.

2. City Pass -You don’t need a City pass on Newfoundland.

3. Where the Newfie eat. There are some really good restaurants in St. John’s. But also try some Micro breweries out of the town. It is amazing. – St. John’s got some great Restaurants. Here everyone gets their money’s worth. Otherwise, there are micro-breweries or no cafes on the island from time to time that also serve very good dishes.

Do’s and don’ts

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Whoever comes to Newfoundland will first and foremost be impressed by the hospitality and helpfulness. The Newfoundlander likes to get to know new people and one immediately gets into conversation with them.

If you want to know why we almost got stuck in Newfoundland you will find the answers here.

The island report: What we miss from Newfoundland

Impressions Newfoundland: Review Episode 1 | Review Episode 2

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