Mexiko Land


Mexico - what you can expect

Despite all the clichés, Mexico is generally no more dangerous than any other big city. Yes, cartels are active. Yes, it is dangerous to be near a cartel. However, not all of Mexico is a deadly country. The people are very warm, friendly and are cheerful. Mexicans focus on the family. They love their music and it can be heard everywhere up and down the country. Some turn the volume way up, others are more reserved. The vast majority of Mexicans are mestizos. They are descendants of relationships between indigenous people and Spaniards. About 20% of the population is of indigenous origin. Unfortunately, the indigenous people are on the margins of Mexican society. Some of them do not even speak Spanish and have few opportunities for education and advancement. Strong family gangs (this does not mean criminal gangs but the bond within the family) help in times of need, provide official favors and get jobs. The majority of Mexicans live by rather conservative and traditional values. Follow a few simple rules and you will be safe. Never drive at night. Whenever possible, do not camp in the wild, but in a private campground or near a police station.

Mexiko Leben
Mexiko Kunst

Average costs

Transportation - The average price of a liter of diesel was EUR 0.92 (July-December 2021). By comparison, the average price of diesel in the world was EUR 1.09. The liter of gasoline cost 1.112 EUR in the same period. Again, in comparison, the average price in the world 1.20 EUR.

Campground - Mexico's campgrounds are few and far between, especially on the mainland. On Baja California you can camp wild everywhere. However, the northern part should be avoided because the cartels are more active here. Most of the campgrounds on the land are owned by private individuals who hope for a little extra income. Prices range from 8 to 17 euros.

Food - Big Mac Index = 2.57 USD 1 liter of milk costs on average 21 MXN 12 eggs cost on average 31.48 MXN 1.5 liter of water costs on average 15.49 MXN

Suggestion daily budget – 20-50 EUR (Note: This is a suggested budget that assumes you are as free as possible to stay overnight, don’t eat out much, cook most of your own meals, and your vehicle isn’t a big fuel guzzler. You can always lower this number with the budget tips below. However, if you want to stay in more sophisticated accommodations or eat out more often, you can expect this amount to be much higher).

Tips for first visit

1. cook your own food – food such as vegetables, fruits, meat or chicken is best bought in a small local store or on the street. There are street stores like this all over the country. Here fruits still taste really strong and the vegetables are in no way inferior to the taste. There are also Walmarts, Soriana (Mexican equivalent of Walmart) and Chedraui. But these are usually quite a bit more expensive than the local stores. The best place to buy in Mexico is at the small stores.

2. city pass – park outside at a campground and take the local buses or Ritorno cabs into town for practically nothing. 8 to 12 MXN for a ride is common. A few campgrounds are located in the middle of a city, so it is easy to visit the localities on foot.

3. where the Mexican eats – The Mexican often eats in street kitchens that have pitched their tents somewhere along the road. Here you can get delicious food for little money. Basically, it is recommended that salad or fruit should not be eaten in such establishments. Unless you love spending the next day on the toilet.

Mexiko Stadt

Do’s and don’ts

Mexicans like it when you say everyday words like good day, thank you, please, etc. in Spanish. Mexicans value respect for their traditions and culture. Political and religious matters are taboo. Corruption and generally a critical attitude towards Mexico should not be addressed. Mexicans are a very proud, patriotic people.

Mexicans have their own interpretation of punctuality, so they sometimes turn a blind eye. The “mañana mentality” is typically Mexican. Why rush when something can just as easily be done “mañana,” tomorrow? Patience is required at the authorities, where you are immediately given to understand that you should be happy to get an appointment at all. It had taken us only 5 hours to cross the border from the USA to Mexico alone. Waiting times of several hours are possible. It is important to remain calm and polite, otherwise nothing will work at all in case of criticism.

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