Guatemala Sunset


Guatemala - what you can expect

Guatemala is the most populous country in Central America. Around 35 percent of the country's surface is covered by forest, 45.4 percent of which is cultivated (as of 2006). The remaining forest area is protected. The largest protected area is the Maya Biosphere Reserve in the north of the country. However, nature conservation is chronically disregarded in all parts of the country, resulting in increasing forest loss. Guatemala is very green, especially in the north, where it borders the Yucatan Peninsula. Beaches, however, are only found on the Pacific Ocean, which does not have the beauty of the Caribbean beaches. Guatemalans are refined and friendly. Handicrafts quite talented. Also here, basically very peaceful, however, there is also here the one or the other place you should avoid. The security people with bullet-proof vests and pump-action rifles take some getting used to. They even guard Coca-Cola delivery trucks. However, this is more of a status symbol than really dangerous.

Guatemala Quetzal
Guatemala Bus

Average costs

Transportation - The average price of a liter of diesel was EUR 0.86 (period December-March 2021/22). For comparison, the average price of diesel in the world was EUR 1.09. The liter of gasoline cost 1.102 EUR in the same period. Again, in comparison, the average price in the world 1.18 EUR.

Campgrounds - Campgrounds are also rather rare in Guatemala. Good possibilities can be found at hotels, ranchos or private campgrounds. There are larger price differences. You can assume that the price range is from 15 euros to 40 euros.

Food - Big Mac Index = $3.34 USD 1 liter of milk costs an average of 10.69 GTQ 12 eggs cost an average of 12.97 GTQ 1.5 liters of water costs an average of 10.78 GTQ

Suggestion daily budget – 20-60 EUR (Note: This is a suggested budget that assumes you are as free as possible to stay overnight, don’t eat out much, cook most of your own meals, and your vehicle isn’t a big fuel guzzler. You can always lower this number with the budget tips below. However, if you want to stay in more sophisticated accommodations or eat out more often, you can expect this amount to be much higher).

1. cook your own food – the cheapest way to buy food such as vegetables, fruits, meat or chicken is to go to a small local store or market. Markets can be found throughout the country. Here fruits still taste really strong and the vegetables are in no way inferior to the taste. Furthermore, street stores can also be found along the streets. Mostly you can buy fruits here at a reasonable price.

2. traffic – Traffic on the roads is dangerous. The bus drivers brake little and accelerate a lot. Especially around Guatemala City the traffic is massive. From 6:30 in the morning until 8:30 in the evening, traffic jams predominate. It can easily happen that you are stuck in a traffic jam for 5 hours.

3) Where the Guatemalan eats – There are many small restaurants where you can eat delicious food. The gastro kitchen leaves nothing to be desired and also offers international dishes.

Guatemala Kunst

Do’s and don’ts

Since Guatemala has more petty crime than other countries, especially in big cities, it is recommended not to go out alone in the evening or to be back in your hotel or car early. But it is also possible, especially in the north, to stand freely.

In the countryside it is very relaxed. The people are friendly and helpful.

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