Brügge Haus


Belgium - What can you expect

Belgium is not just Brussels and the headquarters of the EU government. Nor just Bruges and Ghent. Drive to Grimbergen and visit the beer museum of the same name. The Belgians can of course be proud of their beer and they celebrate this with a big beer festival in Brussels. The beer festival is called Belgian Beer Weekend and is a spectacle. A beer barrel is even carried into the cathedral and blessed 😉 Visit the link to it and you will find under Events the impressions of the past years.

Bierfest Brüssel
Brügges Bierhimmel

Average Costs

Transportation - The liter of diesel cost on average 1.29 EUR (period January-May 2020). For comparison, the average price of diesel in the world was 1.01 EUR. A liter of gas cost 1.23 EUR in the same period. Also in comparison, the average price in the world was 1.11 EUR.

Campground - Can't say anything about it. We have always been free. Surely the following link can provide more information for those who like to go to campgrounds.

Food - Big Mac Index = 4.74 USD 1 liter of milk costs on average 0.98 EUR 12 eggs cost on average 2.55 EUR 1.5 liters of water cost on average 0.90 EUR

Suggestion daily budget – 40-60 EUR  (Note: This is a budget suggestion, which assumes that you are as free as possible to stay overnight, eat out a little, cook most of your meals yourself and that your vehicle is not the big fuel guzzler. With the budget tips below you can reduce this number at any time. However, if you want to stay in more demanding accommodation or eat out more often, you can expect this amount to be much higher).

TIps for first visit

1. Prepare your food – Food shopping is similar to Germany in terms of prices. The Swiss should therefore be pleased with the Belgian prices. So it is always cheaper than here in Switzerland.

2. Saving while driving – Both in Brussels and in the large cities of Ghent and Bruges there are corresponding discounts or passes for cheap travel. 

3. Check where the locals eat – The famous Belgian fries can be found on every corner. Look for signs or posters called “Frituur”. Then there are the tasty fries fried in beef kidney fat. But Belgium has a great culinary diversity. So don’t just look for the potato sticks.

Gracht in Brügge

Do’s and don’ts

When drinking beer, it is essential to observe the following – drink slowly, eat something beforehand that gives soil. We have already had Belgian beer with an alcohol content of 13% – cheers, I say. Almost every brewery has its own beer glasses. As a tourist, it seems tempting to take such a beer glass from your favorite brewery with you. No, big yucky yuck. Hands off, leave the glasses or buy glasses. 

Belgium is not big. Thus, one can comfortably visit the different cities in a relatively short time. But do not eat too much Belgian chocolate. The tightening feeling by the jeans on the waistband is not really great.

Wir sind Claudia und Thomas und möchten mit unserem Blog und unseren Tipps Anregungen geben und die Fantasie ankurbeln.