Dubu on the road

Complete paperwork quickly and easily with PEAX

PEAX our digital mailbox

Complete paperwork quickly and easily with PEAX

What is one of the biggest annoyances when you are traveling? Paperwork – especially when you return home from a trip and the stack of stationery accepts the PEAX of the Matterhorn. And we travel a lot – so we expect the Alps at home. How did we solve this?

PEAX – our number 1 letter problem solver

We Peaxen. You read it right – peaxing. A new word that is not yet in the dictionary? Ganz und gar nicht. So what is peaxen or better PEAX? It is our digital mailbox and guarantees that we can do the paperwork quickly and easily and concentrate on what is really fun. Travel, that is.

PEAX - kein Papierkram, mehr Freizeit

Imagine you are travelling in a beautiful country and in the back of your mind you know that when you come home there is a rather large pile of letters waiting for you. You then have to open them all, read them, sort them, process them, file them, throw them in the waste paper, bundle up stacks of waste paper, dispose of waste paper. By the time you’re done, you’ll actually need a vacation again. 🙂 …and… with the stack of waste paper your ecological footprint is not exactly the showpiece.

The scenario is similar to the normal letter processing routine you know so well. Dull, tedious, time-consuming, boring. We are completely relaxed and even have fun there.

Less paperwork – more free time

We can’t even get our hands on our paper mail. This is sent – due to a postal redirection – to PEAX and scanned there. Or, for example with our insurance company, the mail is sent directly to PEAX. We get an email after the scan of our letters. Then we log into our PEAX account, click to the mailbox and read all documents. We can dispose of unimportant things with the button “Delete”, which we like best, with just one click. More important things will be downloaded and edited accordingly. Tax documents or insurance documents, for example, are tagged and stored in the PEAX archive. Finished – carry on with having fun while travelling. Cool, isn’t it?

And what’s even cooler, we also handle letter post on the mobile phone – via the PEAX App. This is so awesome. :-))

If you want to know more about the digital mailbox and PEAX, just click here and you will find lots of information.


TIP: on 3 September 2020 from 16:00 o’clock a webinar on tips & tricks for users* will take place. Unfortunately it is just for Swiss people. With the link below you can register for the webinar and get “hot off the press” information.

To registration PEAX Webinar

Wir sind Claudia und Thomas und möchten mit unserem Blog und unseren Tipps Anregungen geben und die Fantasie ankurbeln.

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